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Are you a Muslim woman ready to step into your hearts wisdom?

Dear sister, join us as we journey through this transformation together.
Whether you are just getting started on your spiritual path or have been on the path for years, this powerful retreat will support you in moving towards expanding your awareness, and creating a deeper bond with the Divine, your heart and womb wisdom.
Week one
No matter how old we grow, we all carry our younger selves within us. This inner child can show up as playful, creative, innocent or wounded, angry, sad and traumatized. Healing our inner child is powerful and profound work that we'll be facilitating during this week.
The tools that will be supportive to your releasing, integrating and healing experience will be;
Meditation: This is a powerful medicine is preached in all traditions. Turning inwards and exploring your mind,body and soul is one of the best forms of reclaiming your power and healing thyself.
Breath work: This form of meditation allows us to drop into deeper states of consciousness, where healing, spirit, and love reside.
Energy healing: Emotion is 'energy in motion' . Our emotions get stuck in our bodies over the years and causes blocks, those blocks can interfere with our daily lives. Energy healing is an ancient practice, the healer uses intention, prayer and love to remove those blockages allowing you to experience the flow of life, light and love.
Affirmations: Our thoughts are the only thing we have true power over. Why not intentionally create beautiful thoughts? This exercise will take us back to the basic foundation of beautifying our thoughts and aligning them with the highest form of living.
Week one will be filled with connection, healing and sisterhood!
Week two
In week two we'll move into the exploration of the sensual woman. This mysterious woman within has been intentionally suppress and distorted by society, culture and traditions. We've been taught to fear this powerful aspect of ourselves and it is time we fully embody our sensuality, femininity and spirituality.
The exercises, techniques and skills we'll be using for this part of the journey will be:
Breast massage: Our breasts are the most stared at, commented on, agonized over and exposed part of the female body. Its's also a source of nourishment, nurturing and caring. An expression of the heart, a sacred and tender place. This self care ritual will allow us to appreciate this part of ourselves and reclaim what is ours through love, acceptance and release.
Womb massage: This is the center of creative life; the darkness from which light emerges, the female heart. Taking the time to massage this center will connect us to our inner world, our most primordial feelings.
Vaginal/yoni steaming: Using gentle herbs and steam, this ancient well women care practice will connect us to our root. Our Yoni ( sanskrit word for vagina meaning sacred space) is the hidden entrance to a woman's being, having a deep connection with this space allows us to feel open, receptive and puts us in a surrendering state. Its also a space that is tender and can easily exploited. Taking care of this space will have profound healing effects.
Belly dancing: This women's dance is expressed in most cultures as a way for women to connect with their femininity, creativity and sensuality, it was never for men. But for us women to bask in our beauty and expression. This art is part of woman's culture and should be preserved. You will be guided through this dance as we relax into our bodies.
Week two is all about feminine wisdom & self discovery, this will be soul nourishing.
Week three
This is our time to embody the wise women within.
She is the one with sharp intuition and has a deep connection with the Divine and life all around her. She can expresses herself though art, music, dance and creative writing.
During this time we will explore;
Intuition: Its another sense like seeing, feeling, or hearing. It is a sense we all have and no two people experience intuition in the exact same way. Using meditation, visualization and varies other tools, we will practice this skill, giving you access to feel confident in the process of utilizing your intuition.
Creative writing exercise: We all have access to creativity, we are creative beings and this creative writing guide will support you with connecting to that infinite wisdom and channeling it into this world.
Elder exercise: What is your vision for yourself as an elder? How do you carry yourself? What medicine will you bring to the people? These questions will guide you to find and truly embody the wise woman within.
Week three will tune us into the joy of creating and sharing our gifts with the world.
Week four
This is the week of celebration!
We will come together to honor our journey, to bask in our femininity, to ground the teachings and to sing, dance and pray together.
Truly its not an end but the beginning of a feminine revolution. We will take this medicine and plant it into our homes and communities, we will pass it on to our mothers, sisters and daughters.
We will embody the sacred feminine and whenever a woman seems lost, you my dear sister will be able to guide her back to her highest and truest self.
Let us celebrate this incredible journey and may we unleash all we are, all we have been created to be, on this Earth!

Week four the closing of this retreat will bring much joy to our hearts!
About the facilitators
Shakirah Sabira is London born full spectrum doula, student midwife and holistic womb therapist.
She grew up in the Middle East & later spent alot of time in West African. though her travels and studies she studied at the feet of great women, learning the techniques & rituals that heal and reconnect women to thei wombs and in turn The Divine.
She continues to serve through her business Barakahsdoula
Bushra Mustafa-Dunne is an Iraqi Irish writer and poet based in London. Her work explores womanhood, uprootedness, and conceptions of the Sacred, and has been featured in the anthology 'A Kaleidoscope of Stories: Muslim Voices in Contemporary Poetry'. She pursues a degree in Comparative Literature with Arabic, and can be found on instagram at @bushradunne.
Idel Galbete has been dedicated to women's mind, body, soul healing for the past 7 years. While on her own healing journey she recognized that the ability to create, carry life and give birth was a testament to the miracles and mysterious of the human experience.
As Traditional Birth Attendant, she walks with women serving them through preconception,pregnancy, birth and postpartum with coaching, holistic childbirth education classes, postpartum healing services, womb meditations and in creating a community of sisterhood where women can truly witness each other in their growth, beauty and transformation.
Women all over the world are tuning back to their Sacred Feminine.
Now its your turn.
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