Inner City Retreat
A sacred ceremony where we women gather to call our babies home.
Are you yearning for that child you know deep down is yours?
Does your heart throb when thinking of them?
Does your womb ache wanting to house your babies soul?
This special retreat is where you'll be able to explore your deepest desires in a safe, sacred container. We will dive into the wisdom of the body to create space, acknowledge your fears, understand your blocks, connect with your womb and heart space so that you may welcome your baby in the most sacred way.
Are you being called to connect with your babies spirit in the deepest way?
The 4 pillars of
Conscious Conception
We'll be exploring during our time together
Play supports us with integrating our inner child. Play brings us back to wholeness and allows us to heal deep wounds we may have due to childhood trauma. Connecting with your inner child will support you in living in your joy and claiming parts of yourself you may had to hide away.
To embody pleasure is be fully Wombman, it is our birthright. The path of pleasure is sensual, sexual and spiritual.
To commune with Source is a foundational part of concieving. Ultimately, we must do our part and also bow to Divine will and timing. Prayer is the portal the we can access to truly have our dreams turn into reality.
Being in the here and now requires us to to practice all the tools we have to regulate our nervous system. When we are in a state of harmony and balance we can easily access our genius, intuition and instinct which will guide us be the mothers are ment to be.
The Opening
We'll start together at High Park with a fire pit and set our intentions opening the circle, singing medicine songs and connecting to the feminine energy of the earth.
We'll then make our way to the retreat centre feeling connected and excited for the next chapter of our adventure, we'll have a lunch before diving deep into the work.
The Work
During our time at our oasis we'll be divided into three groups and be taken on a journey through each workshop.
This is the womb cave where we'll be tuning into the subtle realms of the womb. The sauna is the place to sweat and clear out stagnant energy lodged in the womb and heart centre. Your guide will lead you into a deep meditative state, which will allow you to explore the deepest part of your conception journey.
Fire pit
Movement room
The fire element is there to support you to transmute your pain into your highest pleasure, to burn away your fears and move into a place of courage, to let go of control and finally move into a place of receptivity. You will be guided through a storytelling experience to express the deep Voice within connecting with your primal, playful and sensual selves.
Our sacred vessel is always inviting us for opportunities to shift, heal and reconnect in deeper ways. The trick is to listen to the tensions, aches and pains that desperately want to share its message. Through movement, yoga techniques and breath work we'll explore the womb space in a ways that will support us in accessing its true magnificent power.
The closing
For the finale we'll be taking all that we have learned, accessed and embodied and beckon our babies with a collective Womb dance! The dance will be guided by all three practitioners moving from head, heart, womb and into BIRTHING your new reality. This will be an ecstatic experience that will bring all the womb medicine full circle.
Energy exchange
for this
sacred experience
This womb medicine will hold space for a limited number of 10 women.
Date: October 30th 2022
Exchange: $415
Time: 12pm-9pm
To secure your spot etransfer $115 to and bring $300 in cash the day of the retreat.
We are looking forward to sharing our healing gifts with you incredible women!
Please email for any questions you have!